Saturday, November 15, 2014

Week 6: Engaging Students – Strategies and Technology Aids

Teaching large classes seems to be quite challenging and requires special strategies. I have never taught a large class but I can imagine what it’s like from the fact I see in my classes. The number of the students in my classes has usually varied from 8 to 18, but when it sometimes comes to 20 or 25, I already have a bit difficulty to manage the class.  Monitoring group work, tracking progress, involving students in activities, enhancing them to participate and ensuring their understanding of the teaching, these are all important in teaching. However, the more students we have, the harder it is to accomplish each of the points mentioned above. Fortunately, the readings have offered different techniques that are effective and helpful to enhance interactive and collaborative learning either in large or small classes. I liked the idea of individualization mentioned in the article “Teaching Large Classes II – Enhancing Learning by Engaging Students”, it makes the students become closer and more open to the teacher. The minute-paper and scripted cooperative learning are also good strategies to check students’ understanding in a cooperative and interactive way. I think Priming is the ideal way to prepare and engage students in good discussions. In addition, it uses email, blogs, discussion board or other media sites, which gives them the opportunity to develop their skills in technology use for learning. The integrating technique can incite them to be more active in discussions and other assignments. Applying these techniques in my class would make the learning more interesting and bring changes in the students’ behavior. They will enjoy the teaching and learning more.

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