Saturday, November 22, 2014

Week 7: Learner Autonomy, Mobile Phones in Class, and Padlet.

It’s really amazing that we’re now in week 7! Only 3 weeks left and this rich and exciting experience will be over. Everything I have been learning so far has really contributed to my skills development in language education and especially in the use of technology in class. This week, autonomous learning and the use of mobile devices and/or one computer in class have been emphasized in the readings. Autonomous learning is important to enhance students’ critical thinking. Students should not be spoon-fed, nor should they be left alone in learning. There should be a good balance between the students’ role and the teacher’s role in the language education. Becoming an Autonomous learner entails taking responsibilities in the learning and being able to develop one’s skills oneself without expecting the teacher to give everything but just considering him/her as a guide and a facilitator in the learning. One feature of general education in Madagascar is that students are often seen as spoon-fed and reluctant to work on their own. It’s only when they are at university that they realize the importance of independence in learning as they have to do their own research and work autonomously; so they tend to have some difficulties in pursuing their studies. That’s why in our school, we always try to encourage students to take responsibilities, be curious, be ready to overcome challenges and be a good time manager through activities such as portfolios, video viewing and the use of social networks to interact in English, in order to remedy the situation. Other different ideas were stated in the article “Emerging Technologies-Autonomous Language Learning” by Robert Godwin-Jones (URL: and some of them can be used in my class. The article “Twenty Ideas for Using Mobile Phones in the Language Classroom” by Hayo (URL: Reinders also provided different ideas on how to use mobile phones in class but still encourage learner autonomy. The readings were really helpful and useful.

Padlet: Just a great tool!

Four weeks ago, we were introduced to Delicious, a very good tool to save and store links. It has been very useful but this week, the online course has gone on spoiling all the participants in presenting us another tool: Padlet. It is as very interesting as Delicious because not only can it allow us to share links, but also we can upload the videos or the file or copy the links we want to share and everyone can access them right away on the Padlet site. It’s very easy to use and it is like a virtual bulletin board! so coooool!! :) I like using it very much.

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